Friday, June 29, 2012

How e-Book Buying Decisions Are NOT Made

(or: Why Patriots won't be priced at $2.99)

So a potential buyer's checking out the offerings of, say, canned pea soups on Amazon. She has it narrowed down to a few that seem similar, but one's a dollar more per can. She decides there's not enough of a difference to justify an entire dollar, and goes with the cheaper brand.

Then she heads to the e-book aisle, where again she's narrowed down the selection. One has really caught her eye. There are a few good reviews, she likes the summary, and it's a great cover. She's also heard a bit of buzz about it here and there. There are also a few other titles, in the same genre, with okay covers and reviews. The one with the great cover is $4.99, while the others are $2.99 and 99 cents.

Does she say to herself, "I can read five books for the cost of that one' the way she judged the soups, or does she say 'This is the one I want'? Right. Not all buying decisions are made the same way. That's why I, at least, won't follow the vast and uninspired pricing herd.

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